The evaluation of colloidal dispersions of PVA in the preparation of clonidine hydrochloride hydrophylic matrix tablets

The evaluation of colloidal dispersions of PVA in the preparation of clonidine hydrochloride hydrophylic matrix tablets

Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest


S-au preparat comprimate tip matriţă de clorhidrat de clonidină pe bază de dispersii coloidale cu vâscozitate (900, 3000 şi 8200 cP) şi concentraţii diferite (10%, 15% şi 20%) de alcool polivinilic, prin granulare umedă urmată de comprimare, în scopul realizării unei eliberări susţinute a substanţei active. S-a studiat modul în care tipul şi concentraţia polimerului  (PVA) formator de matriţă, dar şi natura diluantului şi a liantului prezenţi în formulare (α-lactoză, amidon şi gelatină), influenţează eliberarea in vitro a substanţei active. S-a constatat că cedarea creşte pe măsură ce vâscozitatea şi concentraţia polimerului scad.

clorhidrat de clonidină, P.V.A. (alcool polivinilic), comprimate tip matriţă hidrofilă.

Hydrophylic matrix tablets comprising clonidine hydrochloride and colloidal dispersions of polyvinylic alcohol (PVA) 10%, 15% and 20% in concentrations, with various viscosity degree (900, 3000, 8200 cP) were prepared by wet granulations and then compression, in order to obtain a sustained release of the drug. The effects of the type of polymer, the polymer ratio, and of the nature of the filler and of the binder (α-granular lactose, starch and gelatine) on the in vitro release of the active substance were studied. The release of the active substance increases as the viscosity and the content in polymer decrease.

clonidine hydrochloride, P.V.A (polyvinyl alcohol), hydrophylic matrix tablets.
Actualizat la 08.09.2021, 18:25