Title: Platform of Interdisciplinary Research in Advanced Micro-Endoscopy Imaging Devices
Contract number: 99/2007
Period: 2007-2009
Director: professor Adrian Săftoiu
The PYRAMID project indicates the creation of a modern platform of research, based on extremely new techniques or experimental ones that will form the basis of a Digestive Imaging Laboratory: endoscopic autofluorescence imaging, optical coherence tomography, laser confocal endo-microscopy. On the basis of the interdisciplinary connections with the Molecular Pathology Laboratory, initiated within the same platform, research projects will be developed having the starting point of biopsy material sampling during the endoscopic procedures, which will be later analyzed through conventional pathological and in situ hybridization techniques. By selecting the interest areas with the help of a laser dissection microscope one will be able to draw and select the areas that have premalignant / malignant lesions. The material will be then processed by using macro- / microarray and real-time PCR techniques in the Molecular Biology Laboratory. The integration of these complex imaging techniques will be done through a perfromant computers networks, associated with a complex database that will allow the development of distant study applications, e-health and telemedicine, complex grants initiation (FP7 and PNCDI 2, Human Resources, Partnerships, Ideas, Innovation), etc.