The equipment structure of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova has changed radically in the last decade. The care for the quality of the offer has been the first priority anyway, since the year before the foundation of the institution.
In our 25 years of existence as a University, we have been mindful of all national, regional and local development opportunities.
We have adapted to all the requirements of what is meant by educational quality, from amphitheatres, laboratories, accommodation spaces, to those related to fire prevention and extinguishing, civil protection, public health and occupational safety, radiological safety and environmental protection.
The clinical work of students and residents takes place mainly in the university clinics in:
- Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă
- Spitalul Clinic Municipal „Filantropia”
- Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Pneumoftiziologie „Victor Babeş”
- Spitalul Clinic de Neuropsihiatrie
- Spitalul Clinic Universitar C.F.
- Spitalul Clinic Militar de Urgenţă „Dr. Ştefan Odobleja”
- Institutul de Medicină Legală
- Laboratorul de Igienă „Dr. I. Cantacuzino”
- Serviciile de salvare ale oraşului şi alte unităţi de asistenţă medicală din municipiul Craiova.