Acknowledged as a priority in the strategy and policies of the institution, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova regards the international collaboration as an essential factor for assuring educational quality, institutional transparency, as well as absolute opportunity for professional development to all members of the academic community.
The Bologna Process and the subsequent transformations in all European countries, allowing the accomplishment and reconsidering of studies and qualifications, the introduction of study credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the participation in European programs in the domains of education and professional training, are defining factors that have as finality the curricular matching, the recognition of study periods and qualifications.
A great number of the students in the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova are foreign students and the new statute of Romania as a member of the European Union facilitates the access for young people from other EU countries to Romanian education. Also, the UMF students perform study and practice periods in important universities abroad.