Subscriptions through the ANELIS PLUS 2020 Project
full-text and bibliographic databases
- ScienceDirect - research platform providing full-text access to over 25% of the world's information in the exact sciences and humanities, technology and medicine

- Thomson ISI - Web of Science is an online bibliographic and bibliometric database of scientific journals. Available on the Web of Knowledge online platform, it provides access to abstracts of over 11,220 scientific journals and 120,000 scientific conferences in 256 disciplines.
- Thomson ISI - Derwent Innovations Index contains data on over 14.3 million patents and registered inventions from 40 countries, including Romania. Provides an international overview of an invention, including novelty, legal owner and degree of protection.

- Scopus is an online bibliographic and bibliometric database of scientific journals; it provides access to abstracts of scientific articles from over 18500 international scientific journals published by over 5000 international publishers. It uses the Hirsch index as a tool for evaluating authors and academic institutions based on the ratio of articles published to the number of citations received.
- ScienceDirect CURRENT ARCHIVE 2016
PROQUEST Central provides access to full text and abstracts of online scholarly research journals, reports, newspapers, books from prestigious academic publishers, university publishers, academic associations, professional associations worldwide.With over 22,600 periodical titles, dissertations, newspapers, reports, documents, videos, ProQuest Central is one of the most extensive sources of full-text online encyclopedic documentation. On a single online platform, 30 of the most popular ProQuest databases are available covering more than 160 subject areas, including business, science and technology, medicine and health, literature, society and culture, arts, history, religion, computers, education. This is an unparalleled multidisciplinary resource for researchers of all levels and an innovative collection for libraries of all types.