Organisation of research at UMF Craiova

Organisation of research at UMF Craiova

            Scientific research is part of the mission assumed in the Charter of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova. Research activities are integrated at both the educational and clinical levels, leading to results that incorporate elements of basic sciences, clinical applications and public health.
            Each of the four faculties has its own research directions, all of which are integrated into the university's research strategy.
            Three research centres have been set up within the university, combining the expertise not only of the academics involved but also the enthusiasm of young students:
·        Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research Centre
·        Microscopic Morphology and Immunology Studies Centre
·        Drug Research Centre
The research activity is supported by its own administrative structures that ensure the logistics of the more than 300 academic staff involved, including 54 PhD supervisors, as well as more than 200 PhD students and post-docs. Every year, within the framework of human resources development programmes (Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development - POS DRU), new places for doctoral and post-doctoral studies are available for interested students, involving collaboration with other medical institutions in Romania, the European Union or the USA.
            One of the major objectives in the research directions is to continue and improve collaboration with associated hospitals to ensure, through multidisciplinary medical acts, patient care at high standards. Thus numerous clinical studies and scientific grants have been conducted in collaboration with these hospitals.
            Developing the research infrastructure to the highest standards is one of the most important objectives of the research strategy of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova. To this end, structural projects have been accessed in recent years, an example being the Interdisciplinary Research Platform for Advanced Microendoscopic Imaging Technologies, a project in 2009.
            The largest of these projects involves the construction of a Centre for Research and Treatment in Gastroenterology Based on Imaging Methods and Molecular Studies funded with more than €7.5 million. The project started in 2010 with infrastructure development and will continue in 2011 and 2012 with investments in research equipment, including a modern PET-CT and a 3 Tesla MRI.
            The project aims to create a reference diagnostic centre, integrating modern endoscopic techniques such as endoscopic ultrasonography, endoscopic autofluorescence or confocal laser endomicroscopy with other advanced technologies such as PET-CT or 3T MRI, with imaging supported by genetic analysis and immunohistochemistry.
            In 2009 the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova received 52 research grants (worth more than 900,000 euros), and in 2010 35 grants were obtained (more than 1.5 million euros).
            In recent years, the research activity has been reflected in a significant number of articles published in internationally quoted publications with high impact for the scientific community.

            Last but not least, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova has encouraged and developed international collaborations with prestigious institutions from Germany, USA, Italy, Denmark, France, Portugal, through bilateral agreements or within the framework of the European Union collaboration programs.


Strategie de cercetare 2008-2011
Plan de cercetare 2009
Acreditarea UMF Craiova ca unitate CD
Consiliul Ştiinţific al UMF Craiova
Managementul cercetării ştiinţifice

Raport anual 2008
- granturi câştigate prin competiţie
- studii multicentrice şi contracte de cercetare
- articole indexate ISI Web of Science
- produse ale cercetării (soft, brevete, etc.)

Updated on 3/30/23, 8:32 AM