General provisions
1. The quality of doctoral supervisor or habilitation obtained in accredited institutions of higher education in Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and in prestigious universities in other states listed in the List of prestigious universities in other states ( approved by order of the Minister of National Education and updated periodically, is automatically recognized by higher education institutions, respectively institutions organizing doctoral studies in Romania.
2. The status of doctoral supervisor or habilitation obtained at accredited foreign higher education institutions other than those referred to in point 1 shall be recognized only on the basis of an international convention on mutual recognition concluded at intergovernmental or inter-university level.
3. The provisions of this methodology apply to Romanian citizens, citizens of Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, of the Swiss Confederation and citizens of third countries
4. Exercising the rights conferred by the quality of doctoral supervisor and holding a teaching position in the Romanian higher education system is carried out according to the legal norms in force.
5. I.O.S.U.D. The U.M.F. of Craiova may consult, if necessary, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas and the National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates.
6. The recognition of the quality of doctoral supervisor or habilitation by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova is valid and produces legal effects only at the level of the institution.
Documents needed
In order to be recognized as a doctoral supervisor or habilitation, the applicant shall submit the application for recognition to the I.O.S.U.D. secretariat of U.M.F. Craiova.
The file contains the following documents:
a) Application for recognition (Annex 1)
b) identity card - notarized copy - and proof of change of name - copy and notarized translation (if applicable); *
c) a doctoral degree, if the qualification was obtained in Romania or at one of the accredited higher education institutions referred to in point 1, or a certificate of recognition issued by CNRED, if the qualification was obtained at other accredited higher education institutions abroad; *
d) diploma/certificate of doctoral supervisor or habilitation, issued by the institutions referred to in point 1, specifying the place of residence;*
e) the document certifying the field in which the doctoral degree is awarded;*
f) receipt of the evaluation fee in the amount set by the university management *
- certified copy (for Romanian, English, French) / certified copy and translation (for other languages)
- for countries which are signatories to the Hague Apostille Convention, the study documents subject to recognition must be endorsed with the Hague Apostille by the competent authorities of the issuing countries;
- for countries which are NOT signatories to the Hague Apostille Convention, the study documents must be supralegalized or be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by the competent authorities in the country of origin;
- supralegalization is applied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and the Romanian Embassy/Consular Office in the country or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and its Embassy/Consular Office in Romania and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; for countries where there are no Romanian diplomatic missions or which do not have diplomatic missions in Romania, the study documents will be endorsed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country;
- exemption from apostille or supralegalization is allowed by law, by an international treaty to which Romania is a party or on the basis of reciprocity. (List of states for which apostille or supralegalization is required/not required)
Final documents
- Report of the analysis commission appointed by C.S.U.D. - I.O.S.U.D. U.M.F. Craiova with the result of the analysis-evaluation
- Decision of UMFCV management in order to recognize or not to recognize the quality of doctoral/doctoral habilitation at UMF Craiova.
Settlement deadline
- The deadline for processing the application for recognition is a maximum of 60 days from the date of submission of the application.
Deadline for appeals
- Appeals shall be lodged within 15 days of notification of the decision on recognition