



 Periodontal - systemic interactions

Research Center Periodontal Systemic Interactions (ParoSys)


         CHAPTER I.



         Art.1. Name of the research center.

         In accordance with the Order of the Minister of National Education no: 3373 of 10.03.1998 on the establishment of Centers of Scientific Excellence and the Order of the Minister of National Education no: 3035 of 08.01. 1999 on the adoption of the "Methodology on the identification and recognition of scientific research centers for accreditation as centers of excellence", the Research Center with the name: Research Center of Periodontal Systemic Interactions (ParoSys) is established within the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Faculty of Dentistry, Discipline of Periodontology.

         The Research Center has no legal personality and operates within the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova.

The headquarters of the research center is located within the discipline of Periodontology of the Faculty of Dentistry of Craiova, Bulevardul 1 Mai, nr. 66, Craiova.

Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center  is entitled to its own stamp.

The duration of the center is unlimited.


         Art.3. Objectives of the research center.

         In accordance with the priorities established by the Ministry of Education and Research in the framework of the university reform and Romania's integration into the European Community, with the national research and development programs, with the development strategy of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, the main objectives of the Research Center Periodontal - Systemic Interactions are:

  • supporting university scientific research;
  • building competitive interdisciplinary teams of researchers;
  • focus scientific research on topical issues;
  • the development of inter-departmental and inter-university research structures;
  • participation in national and international cooperation programs through joint research grants;
  • expanding information exchange in the medical field;
  • modern research laboratories equipped to international standards;
  • the realization of a continuous training system for teaching staff and PhD students;
  • developing the material base of UMF. Craiova;  

          Art.4. Types of activities carried out within the research center:

  • basic research studies;
  • applied research;
  • postgraduate training courses;
  • scientific sessions;
  • realization of research contracts in collaboration with other universities of medicine and pharmacy in the country or with various institutions;
  • information and documentation, especially for young researchers, PhD students or resident doctors;



          CHAPTER II.



         Art.5 The activity of the Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center is coordinated by a Board of Directors, composed of:

1.   The Rector of UMF Craiova;

2.   The Director of the Center;  

3.   The Heads of the Departments of Periodontology, Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology within the research center.

4.   The research contract managers;

The Director of the Research Center: Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center is also Chair of the Governing Board.


         Art.6. The election/appointment of the members of the Governing Board of the Center, with the exception of the Rector of UMF Craiova, will be carried out every 2 years.

          In exceptional circumstances when one of the members of the Governing Board is no longer able to fulfill his/her duties and obligations (going abroad for more than one month, illness, death), the Governing Board may temporarily appoint another member of the department concerned to the Governing Board. 

         Art.7. The Governing Board has the following attributions:

  • Sets the scientific strategy of the center;
  • Approves the annual scientific report;
  • Make recommendations to the Council of the Faculty of Medicine and to the Senate of UMF Craiova regarding the development or diversification of the activity of the Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center;
  • Take decisions on the use and management of financial resources;
  • Propose the granting of salary increases or awards to members for outstanding achievements;
  • Develop the Center's staff policy.

       The Council meets in ordinary or extraordinary meetings. Ordinary meetings shall be held every six months and extraordinary meetings shall be held at the initiative of the Director of the Research Center or at the request of at least 1/2 of the members of the Research Center.


         Art.8. The executive management of the Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center is provided by the Director of the Center, the heads of the departments of the Center and the directors of the research contracts.


         Art.9. The Director of the Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center is elected by the full members of the Center for a period of 2 years. The appointment of the heads of departments of the Center is made by the Director of the "Research Center". Directors of research contracts are ex officio members of the Center's Governing Board. 

         Art.10. The Executive Management has the following tasks:

  • draws up the biannual activity plan of the center;
  • takes operational decisions on the Center's activity according to the strategy established by the Governing Board;
  • draws up quarterly balance sheets;
  • draws up the annual report;
  • proposes staff recruitment through fixed-term employment contracts or collaboration agreements;
  • determines the material and equipment needs for all research departments;
  • proposes financial operations from the accounts of the Research Center;

The work of the members of the Executive Board may be remunerated from the Center's own revenue. 






          CHAPTER III.



         Art.11. The activity of the Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center is carried out through funding from UMF. Craiova, from the Ministry of Education and Research, sponsorships, donations as well as on its own income. For this purpose, the Center will have accounts in lei and foreign currency. 

         Art.12.The Center's revenues come from its own activities, from the grants won and contracts concluded with various ministries, agencies, Romanian Academy, or various economic agents. 

         Art.13. The acquisition and use of resources will be made in accordance with the legislation in force, based on university autonomy. 

         Art.14. The financial-accounting activity of the Center will be ensured by the financial-accounting service of UMF Craiova. 

         Art.15. Legal activity will be provided by the legal service of UMF Craiova. 

         Art.16. The staff of the financial-accounting, legal and personnel services working directly for the Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center may be remunerated for the activities provided by agreement, from the own sources of the research center, by decision of the Governing Board of the Center. 





         Art.17. The research staff of the Periodontal - Systemic Interactions Research Center consists of:

  •           full members - tenured teachers at UMF Craiova from the disciplines of Periodontology, Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology and other related disciplines
  •           associate members - PhD students, academic and research staff from other institutions                

         For specific consultancy, expertise and advisory activities, recognized specialists in the field in the country or abroad can be called upon.


         Art.18. The research staff is organized in three departments:

  • Periodontology
  • Oral Surgery
  • Oral Pathology

Each department is headed by a Head of Department appointed by the Director of the Center.


         Art.19. The Governing Board may increase the number of departments in the Center according to emerging inter-disciplinary research priorities. The reception of new members is done on the basis of an adhesion approved by the Director of the Center.


         Art.20. The persons in charge of the research grants and contracts will fix their team with the approval of the Center's Governing Board. 


         Art.21. Each researcher and each research department is responsible for the papers.

         Art.22. Intellectual property on research results belongs to the authors, according to the legislation in force.


Final provisions

Art.23. The "Periodontal-Systemic Interactions Research Center" status will be validated by the Senate of UMF. Craiova. 


         Art.24. The modification of this statute may be made at the initiative of the Rector of UMF Craiova or of the Director of the center, with the approval of the UMF Senate.

         Art.25. The decision to establish the "Periodontal - Systemic Interactions Research Center" belongs to the Rector of UMF. Craiova.



Approved in the Senate meeting of 30.06.2021

Updated on 9/13/24, 10:28 AM