Teaching competitions - January 2023
The extracted subject for the competition to fill the vacant teaching and research post at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department II, Position 21 - Head of Works - Physiology, Pathophysiology, is available here.
Tema extrasa in vederea sustinerii concursului pentru ocuparea postului didactic si de cercetare vacant din cadrul Facultatii de Medicina Dentara, Departamentul III, Pozitia 18 - Sef lucrari - Chirurgie generala, anestezie si terapie intensiva, este disponibila here.
The extracted theme for the competition for the vacant teaching and research post in the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department II, Head of Works - Orthodontics, is available here.
The extracted subject for the competition for the vacant teaching and research post in the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department II, Position 24 - Head of works - Methodology of scientific research; Restorative Dentistry I, is available here.
Extracted subject for the competition for the vacant teaching and research post at the Faculty of Dentistry, Department II, Position 25 - Head of Works - Odontology. Endodontics; Restorative Dentistry I; Restorative Dentistry II, is available here.