If I had to choose one word to characterise dentistry it would be modernity. Expectations of the dentist are increasingly high and diverse, from exceptional quality of care to guidance on the map of technological evolution. The role of the dentist has changed and continues to change dramatically, the place of the dental surgery is increasingly close to the patient, and the medical act itself has some of the most complex aims.
Modern dentistry is connected to the latest technology, where, as we have seen, changes are multiple, rapid and substantial. But we are also at a new stage of knowledge, which sees the patients in all their complexity.
Our dental program prepares graduates to work as valued members of the dental health care team and for diverse career opportunities. To expose students to the most modern equipment and advanced treatment techniques, the School of Dental Medicine is highly equipped with state-of-the-art dental technology to meet the challenges of these health professions.
We encourage critical thinking and teach students to provide thoughtful assessment and treatment methods. Through this dynamic interaction, students learn how they can use their skills to make their communities a better place.
We focus on developing exceptional clinicians, dentists, specialists and researchers. We realize that academic excellence must be accompanied by compassion, integrity and professionalism, and that our future depends on producing not only future clinicians, but also academics and researchers
We provide dental education programs of the highest standard for the next generation of dentists and dental technicians, a generation that will be highly skilled, technologically up-to-date, and motivated to practice with compassion, dedication and responsibility.
Professor PhD Adrian Camen