The documentary heritage of the library consists of books, serial publications, reference materials: dictionaries, encyclopaedias, doctoral theses, documents in electronic format (books with electronic access by password or DVD).
The library offers its entire collection for consultation through home loan or directly in the reading rooms with access to publications.
Every user is entitled to the information contained in all library documents with the possibility to borrow these documents as follows:
- long-term loan: courses, practical works, treatises, atlases, manuals for student use. These publications can be borrowed for longer periods, depending on the number of copies in the library.
- short-term loan: publications in the reading room with direct access that are not unique. These documents can be borrowed, depending on the user, as follows:
- for departments and disciplines 30 days;
- for teachers 15 days;
- for students 3 days or at weekends.
- no home loans: periodicals, reference materials: dictionaries, encyclopaedias, medical diaries, doctoral theses, foreign and Romanian books with a unique format, documents in electronic format: CD-ROMs, DVDs, diskettes.
- Late fees will be charged for non-compliance with loan terms.
In case of loss or destruction of documents borrowed from the library, the updated value of the document will be calculated (According to the Law on Libraries No. 334/31.05.2002, republished in M.O. Part I. No. 132/11.02.2005 and the Ordinance No. 26/26.01.2006 for modification and completion of the Law on Libraries No. 334/2002, published in M.O. No. 85/30.10.2006, art. 67, para. 2 "the destruction or loss of documents, common cultural goods, by users shall be sanctioned by the physical recovery of identical documents or by the payment of the inventory value of the documents, discounted by applying the current inflation coefficient, plus an amount equivalent to 1-5 times the price thus calculated".