Education at the Faculty of Medicine

Education at the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine of Craiova places as a priority, among its institutional objectives, the professional training and improvement of its students, thus proposing:  

- to support a translational education through curricular restructuring that deepens and perfects the interdisciplinarity of basic and medical sciences, in order to guarantee a highly competent training of the institution's graduates.

- introduction of new and varied didactic and pedagogical technologies in the training and evaluation process at all levels (including work with standardized patients, simulators, e-techniques).

- early involvement of students in clinical activities.

- creating new training opportunities for students as close as possible to future practice.

- rethinking clinical education in the light of changes in the national health system, with a focus on primary, outpatient and emergency care.

- finding solutions to educational problems arising from immediate and medium-term foreseeable changes in the national health care system.

- developing new lines and directions of student training in line with current scientific findings and the outlook for graduate practice in the next decade.

- further developing, modernising, updating and sustaining the educational infrastructure.

- development of new courses geared to preparing for scientific and pedagogical research.

- comprehensive training of students to respond optimally, appropriately and effectively to the challenges of advancing medical sciences and to exploit opportunities related to technology transfer in medical practice.

- improving a more effective system for identifying, developing, encouraging and harnessing students' aspirations and natural qualities by increasing the range of optional and elective courses on offer, promoting a blended learning system (self-directed learning, including e-learning, combined with face-to-face techniques) and developing psycho-pedagogical tools for assessing the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to be developed in future graduates in the light of their obligations at the next stage of professional development.

- supporting the active involvement of students in decision-making and the adoption of educational strategies and curricular assessment systems.

- further development of undergraduate laboratories and bringing training conditions closer to those of subsequent real practice.

- introduction of new courses in curricula, such as nanotechnologies, genomics, regenerative medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, decision management in primary and outpatient care.

- focusing the attention of educational leaders on informative curricula as a successful element in the formation of robust, honest, dedicated, responsible, creative, team-working and decision-making professional personalities.

Updated on 10/1/24, 2:55 PM