Raport III _2009_.pdf
Raport II _2008_.pdf
Raport I _2007_.pdf
Articole cotate ISI (format ISI web of Science)
- Saftoiu A, Vilmann P, Gorunescu F, Gheonea DI, Gorunescu M, Ciurea T, Popescu GL, Iordache A, Hassan H, Iordache S. Neural network analysis of dynamic sequences of EUS elastography used for the differential diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2008; 68(6):1086-1094
- Iordache S, Săftoiu A, Cazacu S, Gheonea DI, Dumitrescu D, Popescu C, Ciurea T. Endoscopic ultrasound approach of pancreatic cancer in chronic pancreatitis patients in a tertiary referral centre. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008;17(3):279-284
- Gheonea DI, Saftoiu A, Popescu C, Ciurea T. EUS and Cytological EUS-FNA Prognostic Factors in Patients with Unresected Pancreatic Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2010, in press, acceptat pentru publicare issue 97 (Jan-Feb’10)
Rezumate cotate ISI (format ISI web of Science)
- DI Gheonea, C. Soare, M. Ioana, A Săftoiu, T Ciurea Quantitative rt-PCR of mismatch repair genes in focal pancreatic lesions assessed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration. 17th United European Gastroenterology Week, Londra, UK, 21-25 November 2009, Gut/Endoscopy 58.
- DI Gheonea, M Ioana, A Săftoiu, T Ciurea. Expression Profile of Genes Coding for DNA Repair in Human Pancreatic Cancer. Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA, 17-22 June 2008 Gastroenterology April 2008, Vol. 134, Issue 4, Pages A-288. ISSN: 0016-5085
- Gheonea DI, Saftoiu A, Ioana M, Ciurea T. Expression profile of genes coding for DNA repair in human pancreatic cancer. 20th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, 05-08 July 2008. EJC Supplements 2008 6(9):159 -160. ISSN: 1359-6349
- Ioana M, Saftoiu A, Gheonea DI, Mixich, F, Ciurea T. Expressional patterns for DNA damage signaling pathway genes in human colon cancer. 20th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, 05-08 July 2008. EJC Supplements 2008 6(9):52-53. ISSN: 1359-6349
- A. Săftoiu, P Vilmann, F Gorunescu, DI Gheonea, M Gorunescu, T Ciurea, GL Popescu, A Iordache, S Iordache. Neural Network Analysis of Dynamic Sequences of EUS Elastography Used for the Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer. Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA, 17-22 June 2008 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy April 2008, Vol. 67, Issue 5, Page AB97. ISSN: 0016-5107
Articole CNCSIS C (format Medline)
- Gheonea DI, Vilmann P, Săftoiu A, Ciurea T, Pîrvu D, Ionescu M. The Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis. Current Health Sciences Journal. Vol. 35, No. 3, 2009
- Gheonea DI, T. Ciurea, A. Saftoiu, Sevastita lordache, Carmen Popescu. Markeri de prognostic oblinuli prin ecoendoscopie cu punclie fina aspirativa pentru aprecierea supravieluirii pacienlilor cu cancer de pancreas. Revista de Medicina si Farmacie - Orvosi es Gyogyszereszeti Szemle 2008, 54(3):220-222
Rezumate congrese internationale
- DI Gheonea, C. Soare, M. Ioana, A Săftoiu, T Ciurea Quantitative rt-PCR of mismatch repair genes in focal pancreatic lesions assessed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration. 17th United European Gastroenterology Week, Londra, UK, 21-25 November 2009, Gut/Endoscopy 58.
- DI Gheonea, M Ioana, A Săftoiu, T Ciurea. Expression Profile of Genes Coding for DNA Repair in Human Pancreatic Cancer. Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA, 17-22 June 2008 Gastroenterology April 2008, Vol. 134, Issue 4, Pages A-288. ISSN: 0016-5085
- Gheonea DI, Saftoiu A, Ioana M, Ciurea T. Expression profile of genes coding for DNA repair in human pancreatic cancer. 20th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, 05-08 July 2008. EJC Supplements 2008 6(9):159 -160. ISSN: 1359-6349
- Ioana M, Saftoiu A, Gheonea DI, Mixich, F, Ciurea T. Expressional patterns for DNA damage signaling pathway genes in human colon cancer. 20th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, 05-08 July 2008. EJC Supplements 2008 6(9):52-53. ISSN: 1359-6349
- A. Săftoiu, P Vilmann, F Gorunescu, DI Gheonea, M Gorunescu, T Ciurea, GL Popescu, A Iordache, S Iordache. Neural Network Analysis of Dynamic Sequences of EUS Elastography Used for the Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer. Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA, 17-22 June 2008 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy April 2008, Vol. 67, Issue 5, Page AB97. ISSN: 0016-5107
- Atlas de Ecoendoscopie Liniară, sub redacţia Adrian Săftoiu, Sergiu Cazacu, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova, Iunie 2009, ISBN: 978-973-106-093-4 (co-autor capitolul V – Pancreasul)