Raport VIP System etapa I (2012).pdf
Raport VIP System etapa II (2013).pdf
Raport VIP System etapa III (2014).pdf
Raport VIP System etapa IV (2015).pdf
Raport VIP System etapa V (2016).pdf
Raportare VIP System FINAL.pdf
Articole BDI (format Medline)
- Utility of endoscopic ultrasound multimodal examination with fine needle aspiration for the diagnosis of pancreatic insulinoma - a case report. Popescu A, Ciocalteu AM, Gheonea DI, Iordache S, Popescu CF, Saftoiu A, Ciurea T. Curr Health Sci J. 2012 Jan;38(1):36-40. Epub 2012 Mar 21 – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului
- Larisa Sandulescu, V. Padureanu, Cristiana Iulia Dumitrescu, Natalia Braia, C.T. Streba, D.I. Gheonea, S. Cazacu, T. Ciurea, I. Rogoveanu, A. Saftoiu. A pilot study of real time elastography in the differentiation of focal liver lesions. Current health sciences journal. 2012, 38(1) – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului
- MI Costache, A Săftoiu, DI Gheonea. Detection and Characterization of Solid Pancreatic Lesions (Contrast-Enhancement, Elastography, EUS-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration). Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy. 2013;1(2):Pages 545-547 – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului
- Cristea CG, Gheonea IA, Săndulescu LD, Gheonea DI, Ciurea T, Purcarea MR. Considerations regarding current diagnosis and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Med Life. 2015 Apr-Jun;8(2):120-8. Review – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului
Articole cotate ISI (format ISI web of Science)
- Sandulescu L, Rogoveanu I, Gheonea IA, Cazacu S, Saftoiu A. Real-time elastography applications in liver pathology between expectations and results. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2013 Jun;22(2):221-7. Review - articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului (IF = 2,27)
- Dumitrescu CI, Gheonea IA, Săndulescu L, Surlin V, Săftoiu A, Dumitrescu D.Contrast enhanced ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis. Med Ultrason. 2013 Dec;15(4):261-7 – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului (IF = 1,24)
- DI Gheonea, CT Streba, T Ciurea, A Saftoiu. Quantitative low mechanical index contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound for the differential diagnosis of chronic pseudotumoral pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. BMC Gastroenterology, 2013; 13:2. DOI: 0.1186/1471-230X-13-2. - articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului (IF = 2,113)
- Dan Ionuţ Gheonea, Costin Teodor Streba, Cristin Constantin Vere, Mircea Şerbănescu, Daniel Pirici, Maria Comănescu, Letiţia Adela Maria Streba, Marius Eugen Ciurea, Stelian Mogoanţă, Ion Rogoveanu. Diagnosis System for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on Fractal Dimension of Morphometric Elements Integrated in an Artificial Neural Network. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 239706 – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului (IF = 2.706).
- Suzana Danoiu, P. Rotaru, Sonia Degeratu,S. Rizescu, N. G. Bizdoaca. Shape memory alloy-based smart module structure working under intense thermo-mechanical stress. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2014;118:1323–1330, DOI 10.1007/s10973-014-4069-8, – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului (IF = 2,206)
- Ioana-Andreea Gheonea, Costin Teodor Streba, Cosmin Gabriel Cristea, Alex Emilian Stepan, Marius Eugen Ciurea, Theodor Sas, Simona Bondari. MRI and pathology aspects of hypervascular nodules in cirrhotic liver: from dysplasia to hepatocarcinoma. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2015;56(3):925-35 – articolul are integrat Acknowledgements cu ID-ul si numele proiectului (IF = 0,659)
Rezumate cotate ISI (format ISI web of Science)
- Streba CT, Vere CC, Sandulescu LD, Saftoiu A, Gheonea DI, Streba L, Cartana T, Rogoveanu I. Comparison of Different Machine Learning Systems in Classifying Focal Liver Lesions Based on Clinical and Dynamic Imaging Data. Digestive Disease Week. May 2013. Orlando, SUA. Gastroenterology 2013;144(5):S1038-S1039
- Streba CT, Gheonea IA, Sandulescu LD, Saftoiu A, Gheonea DI. Virtual Palpation Model - Combining Spiral CT and Elastography Data: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Digestive Disease Week. May 2013. Orlando, SUA. Gastroenterology 2013;144(5):S992-S993
Rezumate congrese internationale
- Streba CT, Vere CC, Sandulescu LD, Saftoiu A, Gheonea DI, Streba L, Cartana T, Rogoveanu I. Comparison of Different Machine Learning Systems in Classifying Focal Liver Lesions Based on Clinical and Dynamic Imaging Data. Digestive Disease Week. May 2013. Orlando, SUA. Gastroenterology 2013;144(5):S1038-S1039
- Streba CT, Gheonea IA, Sandulescu LD, Saftoiu A, Gheonea DI. Virtual Palpation Model - Combining Spiral CT and Elastography Data: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Digestive Disease Week. May 2013. Orlando, SUA. Gastroenterology 2013;144(5):S992-S993
- CT Streba, CC Vere, LD. Sandulescu, A Saftoiu, DI Gheonea, L Streba, I Rogoveanu. Focal Liver Lesions Classification by Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines Employing Dynamic Imaging Data. Digestive Disease Week. May 2014. Chicgo, SUA. Gastroenterology 2014, Vol. 146, Issue 5, S-933.
- CT Streba, IA Gheonea, L Streba, L D Sandulescu, A Saftoiu, DI Gheonea. Virtual Palpation Model -Combining Spiral CT and Elastography Data: a Proof-of-Concept Study. Digestive Disease Week. May 2014. Chicgo, SUA. Gastroenterology 2014, Vol. 146, Issue 5, S-344–S-345
- C.T.Streba, C.C.Vere, L. Săndulescu, A. Săftoiu, D.I.Gheonea, L.Streba, I.Rogoveanu. Focal lesions classification by artificial neural networks and support machines dynamic imaging data. 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week, October 18-22, 2014, Vienna, Austria; UEG Journal, A149.
- C.T.Streba, C.C.Vere, L.Săndulescu, D.I.Gheonea, I.Rogoveanu. Modular computer-aided diagnosis and prediction system for early hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients. 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week, October 18-22, 2014, Vienna, Austria; UEG Journal, A140.
- C.T. Streba, I.A. Gheonea, L. Sandulescu, S. Adrian, D. I. Gheonea. Implementing a virtual palpation model combining spiral CT and elastography data into medical training - a pilot study. 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week, October 18-22, 2014, Vienna, Austria; UEG Journal, A147.
Alte produse (brevete, soft, etc)
- Premiu internațional Premiul I secţiunea Poster 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week, October 18-22, 2014, Vienna, Austria – Liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases: C.T.Streba, C.C.Vere, L. Săndulescu, A. Săftoiu, D.I.Gheonea, L.Streba, I.Rogoveanu. Focal lesions classification by artificial neural networks and support machines dynamic imaging data.
- Premiu international Premiul I Oral Free Paper Prize 22nd United European Gastroenterology Week, October 18-22, 2014, Vienna, Austria: C.T.Streba, C.C.Vere, L.Săndulescu, D.I.Gheonea, I.Rogoveanu. Modular computer-aided diagnosis and prediction system for early hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients.
- Patent depus OSIM Noiembrie 2016, publicat BOPI si lista Derwent Innovations Index. Nr. inregistrare OSIM: RO131816-A0 Titlu (RO): Sistem haptic pentru palparea virtuala a tumorilor hepatice si pancreatice, cu reconstructie computerizata tridimensionala. Titlu (EN): HAPTIC SYSTEM FOR VIRTUAL PALPATION OF LIVER AND PANCREAS TUMOURS, WITH TRIDIMENSIONAL COMPUTERIZED RECONSTRUCTION Derwent Primary Accession Number: 2017-27243X Detaliile aplicatiei: Nr. inregistrare OSIM: RO131816-A0 Tip depozit: RO000911 Data constituire depozit: 28 Nov 2016