Paediatric surgery is the specialty, which is concerned with the surgical pathology of childhood (0 - 16 years of age or students who have exceeded the age of 16 years by the end of their studies), with the exception of neurosurgical and cardiovascular pathology of the child.
Paediatric surgery and orthopaedics started in Craiova in 1967 with a single specialist - Dr. Ioan Singer - at first only as a department of the general surgery service of the Craiova Regional Hospital, which at that time worked in the premises of the former economic high school on Petru Rareș Street - now known as the Old Faculty of Medicine.
The one who founded this discipline of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Craiova, being at the same time the first titular head of the discipline, was Prof. dr. Sabetay Cornel who led the discipline and the clinic from 1990 to 2010. The most prominent personality who made a particular mark on the history of the clinic was Acad. prof. dr. Corneliu Sabetay. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at the Timisoara MFI, where he was first an extern and then an intern, in 1972, following a national examination, he became a secondary doctor (resident) in paediatric surgery and orthopaedics at the Grigore Alexandrescu Children's Hospital in Bucharest in the clinic headed at that time by Prof. dr. Dimitrie Vereanu. His training as a paediatric surgeon and orthopaedist took place under the direct coordination of Dr. Alexandru Pesamosca, at that time a newly returned specialist from Paris from the hospital "Les Enfants Malades" where he had completed a training period in the clinic of the renowned Professor Denis Pellerin. In 1975, after passing the specialist examination, he started his activity as a specialist doctor in what was at that time the Paediatric Surgery Department of the Surgery Clinic II of the Craiova County Clinical Hospital. In 1978, with the encouragement and support of Prof. dr. Petre Georgescu, Dr. Corneliu Sabetay began his university career as an assistant professor in the Surgical Semiology Discipline.
In 1978, at the encouragement and with the support of Prof. Dr. Petre Georgescu, Dr. Corneliu Sabetay began his university career as an assistant professor in the Surgical Semiology Discipline. In 1990, the pediatric surgery department became a university clinic within the Clinical Emergency County Hospital No. 1 Craiova under the direction of Dr. Corneliu Sabetay who became head of works within the Faculty of Medicine and pro-dean, also establishing the discipline of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics.
After being promoted to the position of Head of Research in 1990, Dr. Sabetay became a university lecturer in 1997 and a university professor in 2003. Since 2013 Prof. Dr. Sabetay Corneliu has been elected honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences - Dolj Branch.
Since 2010 and until now the Discipline of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics has been headed by Prof. PhD Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of UMF Craiova in 1990, he started his teaching activity at the Department of Surgery of the same university in 1992 when he obtained the position of university lecturer by competitive examination, becoming assistant professor in 1995 and head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics of UMF Craiova in 2007. Since 2007 he is Doctor of Medicine, with the doctoral thesis "Anatomo-clinico-therapeutic study in some abdominal parietal defects in children. Antithesis omphalocel laparoschizis". In 2017 he became Associate Professor.
Dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu Ciobanu has been a specialist in pediatric surgery - orthopedics since 1995, and a primary care physician since 2000, currently working in the Department of Mother and Child of UMF Craiova. Dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu has successfully combined teaching, medical and research activities. In scientific research he was involved in projects such as ,,Morpho-pathological study of MECKEL diverticulum in children" - director and ,,Cellular and molecular basis of the influence of changes in the wall of the seminiferous tube on the aging phenomenon in the testis" - human and experimental study - member. His fruitful research activity is also highlighted by his participation in 3 research projects. Dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu has published 22 articles in ISI listed journals or indexed in international databases, 29 articles in BDI listed journals, as well as more than 100 papers presented at scientific events in the country and 58 papers presented at scientific events abroad. He is also author or co-author of 8 treatises, monographs and specialist books published by national publishers.
The international recognition and prestige of Dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu led to his participation as lecturer and course director at various international congresses. Dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu is a member of prestigious scientific societies, member of the Society of Pediatric Surgery, member of the Society of Pediatric Orthopedics, member of the Balkan Medical Society, member of GECI, member of the Romanian Society of Surgery.
An important aspect to underline is the concern of Dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu to stimulate the inclusion of students and young doctors in the scientific activity. His concern in this field is underlined by his participation as a scientific moderator in communication sessions of the Group of Medical Students with Scientific Activity of UMF Craiova.
In 2003, Dr. Zavate Andrei joined the discipline. Between 1999 and 2000 he worked as a trainee doctor in the Emergency County Hospital no.1 in Craiova, and from 2001, after passing the national residency exam in November 2000, he became a resident doctor of paediatric surgery in the clinic of Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedics of the Emergency County Hospital no.1 in Craiova until 2007 when, after passing the specialist exam, he became a specialist doctor of paediatric surgery.
Between 2004 and 2005, following the relations created over time by Prof. Dr. Sabetay between the Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics Clinic of the Emergency County Hospital no.1 of Craiova and the French Society of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. Zavate Andrei attended a training course at Leala Hospital of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Nice - France as a resident doctor (internal medicine).
Dr Zavate Andrei also attended medical training courses in the UK in 2011 graduating from the NESTA Training Academy courses (BLS) Basic Life Support, ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) and PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) and then working as a resident medical officer at Nuffield Hospital in Glasgow UK.
In 2012, after taking the primary exam, Dr. Zavate Andrei obtained the title of primary doctor of pediatric surgery, and in 2014, after taking the doctoral thesis, Dr. Zavate Andrei obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences. Since 2018 Dr Zavate Andrei has been working in the discipline as head of works.
In 2004 Dr. Alin Stoica joined the Discipline as a university preparator, going through all the academic steps up to the rank of head of works. In 2002, after passing the residency competition, he became a resident doctor in paediatric surgery until 2008 when he obtained the title of specialist doctor. In 2012 he obtained the title of primary care physician, and since 2014 he is a doctor of medical sciences.
Organisation of scientific events within the discipline:
- 1983 (21-22 octombrie) Craiova – Consfătuire pe problememe de chirurgie ortopedie infantilă: „Probleme de diagnostic şi tratament în politraumatismele la copil”; Masă rotundă – Pediatrie;
- 1991 (30-31 mai) Craiova – “Zilele Chirurgiei Pediatrice Româno-Elene”;
- 1993 (1-4 iunie) Craiova – Conferinţa de Chirurgie Pediatrică Oncologică (“a-3-a reuniune la Craiova cu participare Internaţională”);
- 1995 (1-3 iunie) Craiova – A treia Conferinţă Internaţională de Chirurgie şi Ortopedie Pediatrică – Limfoamele non-Hodkiniene;
- 1999 (1-3 iunie) Craiova – Congresul Naţional al Societăţii Române de Chirurgie şi Ortopedie Pediatrică cu Participare Internaţională: “Tumorile maligne şi citostaticele la copil”;
- 2000 (2-4 octombrie) Craiova – 4th Balkan Congress of Medicine and Dentistry for Students and Young Doctors;
- 2001 (9-12 octombrie) Craiova – Al 9lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie şi Traumatologie
- 2002 (20-21 mai) Craiova – 1er Séminre en Chirurgie Laparoscopique et Arthroscopie Pédiatrique
- 2003 (24-27septembrie) Craiova Congresul al IX-lea de Gastroenterologie - Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva
- 2005 (8-11 iunie) Craiova Conferinţa Europeană de Chirurgie Pediatrică – Neurochirurgie
- 2007 (12-14 septembrie) Craiova “La 17-eme Semaine Medicale Balkanique”
- 2012 Primul Workshop de Chirurgie Laparoscopica Pediatrica, 22-24 octombrie
- 2013 Second Minimal Invasive Pediatric Surgery Training Course, 7-9 octombrie
- 2013 Conferinta Nationala de chirurgie Sinaia 30 Mai – 1 iunie 2013 – masă rotundă chirurgie pediatrică
- 2016 Congresul naţional - de chirurgie – masă rotundă chirurgie pediatrică
Organisation of postgraduate courses in the discipline:
- Actualități în chirurgia nou-născutului şi sugarului. - C Sabetay; A. Stoica; A. Zavate 19-26.02.2006
- Urgențele chirurgicale la copil. - C Sabetay; O Ciobanu; A. Zavate; A. Stoica24-30.09.2006
- Chirurgia laparoscopica abdominală la copil. Tehnici de bază - Valeriu Şurlin; Ciobanu Ovidiu; Stoica George Alin; Zavate Andrei 22-24.10.2012
- Luarea în sarcină a nou-născuților şi sugarilor cu displazie luxantă de şold - Ovidiu-Mircea Ciobanu; Andrei-Călin Zavate; George-Alin Stoica 20 - 24.10.2014
- Actualități în managementul nou-născutului cu malformații congenitale - Ovidiu-Mircea Ciobanu; George-Alin Stoica; Andrei-Călin Zavate 10 - 14.11.2014
- Ecografia de şold-metodă de diagnostic precoce al displaziei de şold la sugar - Şef lucr. dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu, Şef lucr. dr. Stoica George Alin, Asist. univ. dr. Zavate Andrei 23-27.10.2017
- Actualităţi în managementul nou-născutului cu malformaţii congenitale - Şef lucr. dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu, Şef lucr. dr. Stoica George Alin, Asist. univ. dr. Zavate Andrei 06-10.11.2017
- Actualităţi în chirurgia laparoscopică pediatrică - Şef lucr. dr. Stoica George A, Şef lucr. dr. Ciobanu Mircea Ovidiu, Asist. univ. dr. Zavate Andrei 13-17.11.2017
The discipline's publication activity (textbooks, courses, treatises, monographs) since its establishment to date:
1)Nefroblastomul (Tumora Wilms) – Seria oncologie chirurgicală; Corneliu Sabetay; Bogdan Zaharia – Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A. Bucureşti 1997; ISBN 973-30-5765-7
2) Curs Chirurgie Pediatrică – C.Sabetay; Reprografia universităţii din Craiova 1997;
3) Tumorile maligne şi citostaticele la copil – colecţia Hipocrate, Editura AIUS Craiova – 1999; ISBN 973-9490-05-0
4) Sepsis, Şoc septic, Disfuncţii Multiorganice (MODS) – Fl. Purcaru; I. Georgescu; P. Ciurea; A. Cupşa; C. Sabetay; - Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova 2000; ISBN 973-99197-0-7;
5) Tratat de Patologie Chirurgicală - sub redacţia Nicolae Angelescu vol.II; Editura Medicală 2002 pag.:2659-2680; 2694-2698; 2706-2717; ISBN 973-39-0446-5;
6) Caiet de stagiu clinic Chirurgie şi Ortopedie Pediatrică – Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova 2004; ISBN 973-8354-95-1
7) Patologie Chirurgicală Pediatrică sub redacţia C. Sabetay – colecţia Hipocrate - editura Aius Craiova 2005
8) Tratat de Patologie Chirurgicală - sub redacţia prof. dr. Irinel Popescu; Editura Medicală 2008 ISBN 978-973-27-1580-2;
9)Diverticulul Meckel – monografie sub redacţia C. Sabetay - Ed. Aius ISBN: 978-973-1780-86-3
10) Patologia peretelui abdominal – monografie sub redacţia C. Sabetay - Ed. Aius ISBN: 978-973-1780-94-8
11) Tratat de patologie chirurgicala - ed. aII-a, sub redactia Prof. Irinel Popescu, Prof. Constantin Ciuce – vol. III coordonator prof. C. Sabetay 2013 - ISBN:978-973-27-2185-8
12) Curs de Chirurgie Pediatrică ed. AIUS 2017 ISBN 978-606-562-644-7
13) Testiculul necoborât la copil- aspecte clinico-terapeutice - Ed. AIUS 2017 ISBN 978-606-562-650-8
The discipline's publicity activity
Involvement of the Clinic of Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedics in the development of inter-university relationships (example):
- Contacts and exchanges of experience with UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest; UMF "Iuliu Hațieganu" Cluj; UMF "Victor Babeș Timișoara; UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iasi; "Ovidius" University of Constanta and "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati.
- Collaboration with Prof. dr. JEAN STEPHANE VALLA, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Hôpital Lenval, Nice, France
- Collaboration with Prof. dr. Henri Steyaert - Chef du département de Chirurgie pédiatrique - Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
- Collaboration with Prof. dr. Juda Z. Jona. Chicago Childrend Memorial Hospital, USA
- Collaboration with Prof. dr. Ognyan Brankov Sofia, Bulagria
- Collaboration with Prof. dr. Michel Schmitt – CHU Nancy Frața
Research directions followed over time within the discipline
The publishing activity of the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics materialized by disseminating the accumulated knowledge through the publication of chapters in national specialty treatises was rewarded by the award in 2015 of the Iuliu Hațieganu Prize of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences for the volume on pediatric surgery in the National Surgery Treatise 2013 and later the Romanian Academy Prize for the same treatise.
A constant concern of the teaching activity of the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics since its inception until today has been to focus on the educational needs of each individual student, correlated with the specific curriculum of our discipline, given that our teaching activity is carried out with students of the 5th year, "big" year students who are supposed to already have a fairly important baggage of surgical notions. In this respect, we propose a more efficient management of teaching and knowledge transfer activities and especially their monitoring in order to obtain an optimal feedback to ensure an efficient professional training for all students.
The objective of the discipline of Paediatric Surgery is to provide 5th year students with the informational and logistical support necessary to understand and diagnose the main conditions in children requiring surgical treatment:
- acquiring the necessary knowledge about surgical, malformative and tumoral pathology of the child
- acquiring the necessary knowledge of paediatric traumatology (visceral traumatology, orthopaedic traumatology and burns)
Through the curriculum adapted to European quality standards, through the teaching and assessment methods used, through the involvement of students in research and patient assessment activities, the discipline of paediatric surgery aims to train skills and abilities that are the basis of any preventive, diagnostic, curative or rehabilitative medical act.