Activity with foreign students in the Discipline of Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Since 2017 the didactic and teaching activity in the Clinic of Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery has also been carried out in English.
Course (content units)
1. Particularities of the surgery in children. Malformations of the face and neck
2. Breast pathology. Pathology of the chest. Abdominal wall pathology.
3. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pathology of the esophagus.
4. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Duodenal atresia and stenosis. Biliary pathology. Hydatid cyst.
5. Congenital malformations of the intestine. Occlusions in children. Intussusception. Meckel diverticulum pathology. Congenital megacolon. Ano-rectal malformations.
6. The pathology of male and female genitalia. Urinary tract pathology
7. Musculoskeletal pathology
1. Patologie Chirurgicala Pediatrica - ed. AIUS 2008. ISBN: 978-973-1-1780-73-3
2. Tratat de patologie chirurgicala, sub redactia Prof. Irinel Popescu, Editura Academiei, 2008, ISBN: 978-973-27-1580-2
3.Caiet de stagiu clinic de chirurgie şi ortopedie pediatrică sub redacţia Prof. Dr. Corneliu Sabetay. Editura Medicală Universitară, Craiova 2010 ISBN – 973-8354-95-1
4. Zavate AC, Sabetay C, Ciobanu OM. - Curs de chirurgie pediatrică Aius PrintEd, Craiova : 2017 ISBN 978-606-562-644-7
5. Zavate AC, Sabetay C, Ciobanu OM. - Testiculul necoborât la copil- aspecte clinico-terapeutice- Ed. AIUS 2017 ISBN 978-606-562-650-8
6. Ashcraft K. W., Holcomb G. W., and Murphy j. P. - Pediatric Surgery - W. B. Saunders, 2010
7. O'Neill JA, Grosfeld JL, Fonkalsrud EE, Coran AG, Caldamone AA, Principals of pediatric surgery 2nd Edition Mosby - Year Book, Inc. St. Louis, 2003, 565-572
Practical work (topics / themes)
1. COP LP1. Observation Chart in Pediatric Surgery. Examination of the abdomen in patients with abdominal pathology. Examination in patients with orthopedic pathology. Case presentations.
2. COP LP2. Pathology of the processus vaginalis. Genital malformations in boys and girls. Case presentations.
3. COP LP3. Appendicitis in children (infant and young child). Occlusions in children (causes, peculiarities). Peritonitis in children (causes - primitive and secondary). Digestive bleeding. Case presentations.
4. COP LP4. Urinary tract malformations. Investigations in patients with urological disorders. Case presentations
5. COP LP5. Congenital malformations of the head, face, neck, chest. Case presentations.
6. COP LP6. Tumors in children (benign, malignant). Child burns. Venous catheterization in children. Case presentations.
7. COP LP7. Peculiarities of fractures in children. Aseptic osteonecrosis. Case presentations.
8. COP LP8. Congenital clubfoot. Congenital hip dysplasia and hip dislocation. Case presentations.
1. Patologie Chirurgicala Pediatrica - ed. AIUS 2008. ISBN: 978-973-1-1780-73-3
2. Tratat de patologie chirurgicala, sub redactia Prof. Irinel Popescu, Editura Academiei, 2008, ISBN: 978-973-27-1580-2
3.Caiet de stagiu clinic de chirurgie şi ortopedie pediatrică sub redacţia Prof. Dr. Corneliu Sabetay. Editura Medicală Universitară, Craiova 2010 ISBN – 973-8354-95-1
4. Zavate AC, Sabetay C, Ciobanu OM. - Curs de chirurgie pediatrică Aius PrintEd, Craiova : 2017 ISBN 978-606-562-644-7
5. Zavate AC, Sabetay C, Ciobanu OM. - Testiculul necoborât la copil- aspecte clinico-terapeutice- Ed. AIUS 2017 ISBN 978-606-562-650-8
6. Ashcraft K. W., Holcomb G. W., and Murphy j. P. - Pediatric Surgery - W. B. Saunders, 2010
7. O'Neill JA, Grosfeld JL, Fonkalsrud EE, Coran AG, Caldamone AA, Principals of pediatric surgery 2nd Edition Mosby - Year Book, Inc. St. Louis, 2003, 565-572